Baghdad Memories

by Ivy Vernon (nee Rabee)

As the title suggests, this book is all about my existence in Iraq and my impressions of what happened while I was growing up in that country. I left aged 22, in the year 1970 after finishing university. Of course, contrary to general belief, there was a treasure of good times: school and most of university life too were bereft of any violent hues, consequently quite normal and happy. After 1967 though, nobody wanted to acknowledge the Jews of Iraq as being good citizens and things turned sour and very life threatening. This book encompasses all, the good and the bad with a tendency to emphasize the better times. There are also daring escape stories of my friends' through the uncharted mountains of the North of Iraq! The index contains chapters about school pranks, school exams, American university; as well as social customs which I am sure everyone agrees have now become mostly risible. While 2 Chapters: the Tassqueet and the Monarchy, among others, include some serious research on my part.

Picture taken at the book launch event on November 20, 2008
Extract from the book

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