Your Story

This is the place where you can tell us about yourself -
Your days at school and the mal-ab, teachers, friends, the escape,
and your experiences in the diaspora.

We are expanding this section to include stories of those who left Iraq in all periods.
We are especially interested in stories about why you left,
the circumstances that made you decide to leave Iraq,
and the story of your escape.

We will be happy to share with you your story, in any language...

Brief History of Jewish Presence in Iraq
Includes a section on the Ba'ath regime and its attitude towards the jews
and the question of the rights of jews to the property they left in Iraq

The Escape from Iraq

My Life in Iraq

Surviving Saddam

Anne Frank from Baghdad

Escape from Iraq - 1948
in hebrew

Reminiscences from the 1940's
in hebrew

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